Kata Lata Kulu

In 1948, a young girl sailed from Africa to America. Later that day, she was murdered by an unknown person who wrote "Kata Lata Kulu" in her back. If you don't copy and paste this exact message on 5 vids, she will come to your house and steal your soul.
Every heard of this story. It is one of the chain messages on the internet. Most people don't think it is real ,but they are DEAD wrong. This is my story about this supposed myth. You may think this is a lie but this isn't.
One day after fapping violently to furries on DeviantArt.com I went on Youtube. I went on a rant about how the Illuminati False Media Gods are trying to make all video games have some ghost kid inside of it. It got 1337 views at the end of the day. It got 69 comments also. It was mostly trash about how my YouTube channel was "FAKE AND GAY." But I saw a comment that caught my eye. It was some half assed comment on how a girl sailed from Africa to America. Then she was murdered by a unknown person who wrote "Kata Lata Kulu" on her back. Then it was preceded by some chain mail thing. I replied to it claiming it to be fake and gay. It was the biggest mistake in my life.
I went to bed later that night. I awoke to my bedroom door opening. It was the girl. Her face was horrific. Her face looked like rotten banana peal mixed with tire rubber. I saw Kata Lata Kulu written on her back. "You didn't heed my message. You didn't spread my message. Now you must pay with your life." She said. I prayed to Shrek ,but it was no use. She took a knife ,and wrote Kata Lata Kulu on my back. I bleed to death on my bed that night. I am now writing this story in Hell. Please heed this message of the girl and post this story on 5 vids.